Dear Festival Participant
Preparations are underway for this year’s Fall Festival and we are looking forward to your participation. The festival this year will be held October 7th and 8th. Hours for Saturday Oct. 7th and Sunday Oct. 8th are 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. As in previous years there will be no admission charge to the public. We hope this will encourage festival attendees to spend more money on the fine crafts and food.
The festival is Hancock County’s largest event, and we hope the turn out will be as good as or better than last year. We will also have the Tractor Parade again this year.
You have the option of setting up on Friday if you choose to you need to me and let me know, so as to keep the congestion down, you are asked to unload your car completely as soon as you get there and remove your car from the festival site. If you set up on Saturday unload your vehicle as fast as possible, all vehicles need to be off the festival site before 9:30 A.M. You will enter at the top gate on Newman’s Ridge Rd exit the lower gate this hopefully will make it easier to get in and out of the festival grounds to ensure safety for everyone. After 9:30 each morning NO vehicle will be permitted on the festival grounds to ensure the safety of everyone. NO VENDORS will be permitted to park their car on festival site not even with handicap tags or stickers. You will be allowed to bring your vehicle back onto the festival site after 5:00 P.M on Saturday and Sunday.
There will be security at the festival site on Friday and Saturday nights, however neither the festival nor Sneedville/Hancock Chamber & Community Partners Inc. is responsible for the loss or damage to any item that you may leave overnight. The Partners is a non-profit organization and all of the members work on a strictly volunteer basis. Funds raised by the Partners benefits community projects in Hancock County throughout the year.
There will be judging of booths for 1st place best of show. The judging will take place the first few hours of the festival Saturday. The winner will get a free booth space at the 2024 festival (nontransferable).
Please check in at the information booth when you arrive Friday or early Saturday morning to confirm your arrival and the exact location of your booth. For more information please contact Janet Collins at 423-300-1020 (If you're on site please be patient with me, it gets crazy).